find your eventlocation

You would like to rent a venue? Find a suitable location for your upcoming event. With the help of PLACCES you get in touch with providers of venues - without charges, quick and non-binding. We offer the perfect platform in order to bring customer, provider and venue together. We stand out due to our wide range of extraordinary locations from which you are supposed to benefit. Click through our varied portfolio of event locations, compare selected providers and gain an overview of the most modern business centers, the coolest party locations and the most romantic wedding venues in your area. The first step of your event planning is done - Check!

Venues in your city

We present you a collection of venues of every kind and for various occasions. Whether you need a professional meeting room, a trendy party location, an alternative cocktail bar or an elegant lounge - find all kind of locations with PLACCES in more than 50 cities and 3 countries. There is even more to this: Many venues include services such as catering or overnight accommodations. Sounds great to you? Send direct inquiries now!

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How it works


Choose a venue

Find a venue, that meets your expectations and fits your event.


Inquire directly

Send an inquiry with your needs to the provider of the venue, the inquiry is free of any costs.


We can help you

In case of any questions, we are happy to help you.

Advertise your venue

Your venue deserves more attention? We support you - without commission. Present your venue in an appealing way and describe your highlights.

Register now for free

Our recommended venue

PLACCES Lounge - Creative SPACE

Heckmann-Höfe 1 to 10On requestBerlin

Palais at the Kulturbrauerei

up to 600On requestBerlin

Tagungsraum 1 im Haus der Wirtschaft

Haus der Wirtschaft n. s.FreeBerlin

Kochende Welten-Loft

up to 150On requestBerlin


50 to 620On requestBerlin

Open Air Eventlocation mit 900qm überdachter Fläche

Westgarten Leipzig - Eventlocation 80 to 900On requestLeipzig

Find your venue with PLACCES

Ein Häkchen


Send inquiries; without charges, quickly and nonbinding.


Do you have any questions? We'd love to guide you through the search progress.

Ein Handshake


Send inquiries and communicate directly with the provider of the venue.